Kaufmann Group

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kaufmann, PhD

Group members

former Group members

Lea Wilhelm, MSc Pharm. (2022)

Dr. Samara Naim, PhD (2021); postdoc (2021)

Livia Pulfer, MSc. Pharm. (2020-2021)

Fabrizo Motta, MSc (2020-2021)

Peymaneh Zahiroddini MSc (2019 - 2020)

Dr. Yuniel Fernandez Marrero, PhD (2017); postdoc (2017-19)

Noah Schnüriger, MSc (2019)

Estefanía Lucendo Gutiérrez, visiting PhD student Valencia (2019)

Anthony Marchand, visiting student EPFL (2018)

Ramona Reinhart, PhD (2017)

Angela Fallegger, BMSc (2017)

Dr. Tatiana Rabachini de Almeida, postdoc (2011- 2016)

Simone Wicki, PhD (2016)

Nicole Tochtermann, MMed (2016)

Dr. Erika Moravcikova, postdoc (SciEx fellow, 2014-15)

Emanuel Lauber, BMSc (2015)

Ursina Gurzeler, PhD (2013)

Nohemy Echeverry, PhD (2012)

Laetitia Roh, Diploma/BSc (2011)

Short Curriculum Vitae


Date of Birth:  May 16, 1976

Nationality:  Swiss

Office Address:  Institute of Pharmacology
  Medical Faculty
  University of Bern
  Inselspital, INO-F
  3010 Bern, CH-Switzerland
  Email: thomas.kaufmann@pki.unibe.ch
  Tel: +41 (0)31 632 32 89

2014 Associate Professor, Medical Faculty, University of Bern (CH)
2011 'Venia Docendi' (Habilitation) in Experimental Pharmacology, University of Bern (CH)
2003  PhD in Biochemistry, Institute of Biochemistry, University of Fribourg (CH)
2000  Diploma in Biochemistry, Institute of Biochemistry, University of Fribourg (CH)

2013-  Principal Investigator (Dozent I), Institute of Pharmacology, University of Bern, Switzerland
2008-2013 SNSF Assistant Professor, Institute of Pharmacology, University of Bern, Switzerland
2004-2007 Postdoctoral research fellow with Prof Andreas Strasser, Molecular Genetics of Cancer Division, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI), Melbourne, Australia
2003-2004 Postdoctoral research fellow Institute of Molecular Medicine and Cell Research, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany
2000 - 2003 PhD-student with Prof Christoph Borner, Institute of Molecular Medicine and Cell Research, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany
1995-2000 Studies in Biochemistry, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

2014 - 2017 SNSF Project Grant (D-A-CH) 310030E-150805
2014 - 2017 SNSF Project Grant 31003A_149387
2013 - 2015 Swiss Cancer League Research Grant; KFS-3014-08-2012
2012 - 2014 3R Foundation Research Grant; 127-11
2012 – 2013 Prolongation SNSF Professorship, Swiss National Science Foundation; PP00P3_139190/1
2008 – 2012 SNSF Professorship, Swiss National Science Foundation; PP00A-119203
2011 Best Poster Award, 19th ECDO meeting, Sep 14-17 2011, Stockholm (SWE)
2009 Research grant from the ‘Novartis Foundation for Biological-Medical Research’, Novartis, Basel (CH)
2006 – 2007 Postdoctoral fellowship for advanced researchers, Swiss National Science Foundation; PA00A-111430
2006 Postdoctoral fellowship ‘Novartis Foundation, formerly Ciba-Geigy-Jubiläumsstiftung’ (Novartis, Switzerland)
2005/2006 Postdoctoral fellowship ‘Roche Research Foundation’ (Roche, Switzerland)
2004 – 2005 Postdoctoral fellowship for prospective researchers, Swiss National Science Foundation; PBFRA-104383
2004 ’Faculty Prize’, Faculty of Science, University of Fribourg (CH)
2000 ’Syngenta Crop Protection Monthey SA 2000’ prize

- Member of the World Allergy Organization (WAO) Special Committee on Eosinophils, Mast Cells & Basophils (since 2013)
- Editorial Board Member of peer-reviewed journals: Allergy, Cell Death and Disease, Frontiers in Molecular and Cellular Oncology
- Member of the expert committee 'Cell Biology' within the Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences, University of Bern; since 2009
- Member of the following associations: Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology (SAAI), since 2013; European Cell Death Organization (ECDO), since 2008; Swiss Society of Experimental Pharmacology (SSEP), since 2008; Swiss Society for Biochemistry (BIO), since 2000; Swiss Society for Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics (ZMG), since 2000

Our group is interested in the molecular mechanisms of programmed cell death (PCD), in particular apoptosis and necroptosis, and the link between cell death and innate immune signaling. A focus in the latter lies on myeloid cells, in particular granulocytes (neutrophils and basophils) and mast cells, which are central players of innate immunity. Apoptosis is recognized as the most relevant (patho-) physiological form of PCD, whereas the physiological role of necroptosis is less well understood. Given that apoptosis suppresses necroptosis, the latter is hypothesized to serve as backup, proinflammatory, PCD upon infection with pathogens that actively block apoptosis.

We observed that upon activation of death receptors (Fas/CD95 or TNF-R1) on the surface of neutrophils the outcome ranges from activation of the cells and production of proinflammatory cytokines to PCD by apoptosis or by necroptosis. This outcome is tightly regulated and - among others - depends on the so-called inhibitor of apoptosis (IAPs) family. Our ongoing projects in the lab identify the IAP member XIAP as an antagonist of necroptosis downstream of death receptors. Interestingly, XIAP, which was initially identified as an inhibitor of apoptotic caspases and also carries E3 ligase activity (RING domain), clearly has important functions beyond blocking caspases. Our data indicate that XIAP may act more upstream in death receptor signaling pathways than previously assumed; the exact molecular functions of XIAP’s E3 ligase activity are under investigation. Taken together, XIAP can be placed at the intersection of cell death and inflammation.

Granulocytes isolated from mice can only be obtained in low numbers, which makes biochemical analyses difficult, and – in the case of basophils – almost impossible. We have established a protocol to generate conditionally immortalized progenitor cells (“Hoxb8 cells”) that are committed to the macrophage/neutrophil- or the basophil lineages. Those cells can be differentiated in vitro into mature granulocytes in nearly unlimited numbers. An advantage of “Hoxb8” cells over primary granulocytes lies in the straightforward possibility of further genetic manipulation, such as overexpression of genes of interest reconstitution of gene deficient cells lines with particular mutants of that same gene. Regarding basophils and mast cells, we are interested how cytokines, such as IL-3, or binding of IgE and subsequent crosslinking of the high affinity IgE receptor by antigen, activate these cells, and if/how those stimuli increase cellular viability. On the other hand, selective killing of activated basophils or mast cells (or activated immune cells in general) is an intriguing concept to target immunological disorders, including allergies. Newly developed drugs aiming at inducing apoptosis in cancer cells (so called BH3-mimetics) are tested in our lab for their potential to kill activated leukocyte populations selectively.

Currently of great interest to our group is the pro-apoptotic family member BOK. BOK has raised much interest recently, as it is deleted in human cancers with surprisingly high frequency. Several cancer models with our newly developed Bok-deficient mouse strain are ongoing in our lab and in collaboration with others to test the potential tumour suppressor potential of Bok. Other BOK related projects focus on the molecular function of this still rather enigmatic protein. So far we have demonstrated that BOK is much more widely expressed than previously reported and, intriguingly, we found that although it has the potential to induce apoptosis when highly expressed, BOK localizes preferentially to the membranes of the ER and Golgi apparatus rather than to mitochondria. The subcellular localization of BOK correlates with its association with IP3 receptors (Ca2+ channels on the ER) and a deregulated ER stress response of Bok-deficient cells. Interestingly, BOK is prominently also found in nuclear fractions. We are currently testing the biophysical properties of recombinant BOK on artificial lipid vesicles and isolated organelles, the role of BOK at the ER/Golgi and the role of BOK in the nucleus, for which we hypothesize a role in the regulation of cellular proliferation.


Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008


Rafiq, Sreoshee; Mungure, Irene; Banz, Yara; Niklaus, Nicolas J.; Kaufmann, Thomas; Müller, Stefan; Jacquel, Arnaud; Robert, Guillaume; Auberger, Patrick; Torbett, Bruce E; Muller, Sylviane; Tschan, Mario P.; Humbert, Magali (2024). HSPA8 Chaperone Complex Drives Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy Regulation in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Pharmacology, 109(4), pp. 216-230. Karger 10.1159/000537864

Lambrecht, Rebekka; Rudolf, Franziska; Ückert, Anna-Katharina; Sladky, Valentina C; Phan, Truong San; Jansen, Jasmin; Naim, Samara; Kaufmann, Thomas; Keogh, Adrian; Kirschnek, Susanne; Mangerich, Aswin; Stengel, Florian; Leist, Marcel; Villunger, Andreas; Brunner, Thomas (2024). Non-canonical BIM-regulated energy metabolism determines drug-induced liver necrosis. Cell death and differentiation, 31(1), pp. 119-131. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41418-023-01245-7

Bachmeier-Zbären, Noemi; Kinet, Jean-Pierre; Kaufmann, Thomas; Eggel, Alexander (2024). Mast cell activation test. In: Reference Module in Food Science (pp. 579-589). Elsevier 10.1016/B978-0-323-96018-2.00032-8


Vitale, Ilio; Pietrocola, Federico; Guilbaud, Emma; Aaronson, Stuart A; Abrams, John M; Adam, Dieter; Agostini, Massimiliano; Agostinis, Patrizia; Alnemri, Emad S; Altucci, Lucia; Amelio, Ivano; Andrews, David W; Aqeilan, Rami I; Arama, Eli; Baehrecke, Eric H; Balachandran, Siddharth; Bano, Daniele; Barlev, Nickolai A; Bartek, Jiri; Bazan, Nicolas G; ... (2023). Apoptotic cell death in disease-Current understanding of the NCCD 2023. Cell death and differentiation, 30(5), pp. 1097-1154. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41418-023-01153-w

Kaufmann, Thomas; Simon, Hans-Uwe (2023). Pharmacological Induction of Granulocyte Cell Death As Therapeutic Strategy. Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology, 63, pp. 231-247. Annual Reviews Inc. 10.1146/annurev-pharmtox-051921-115130


Seiler, Kristina; Humbert, Magali; Minder, Petra; Mashimo, Iris; Schläfli, Anna M; Krauer, Deborah; Federzoni, Elena A; Vu, Bich; Moresco, James J; Yates, John R; Sadowski, Martin C; Radpour, Ramin; Kaufmann, Thomas; Sarry, Jean-Emmanuel; Dengjel, Joern; Tschan, Mario P; Torbett, Bruce E (2022). Hexokinase 3 enhances myeloid cell survival via non-glycolytic functions. Cell death & disease, 13(5), p. 448. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41419-022-04891-w

Zbären, Noemi; Brigger, Daniel; Bachmann, Daniel; Helbling, Arthur; Jörg, Lukas; Horn, Michael; Schmid, Johannes M; Hoffmann, Hans Jürgen; Kinet, Jean-Pierre; Kaufmann, Thomas; Eggel, Alexander (2022). A novel functional mast cell assay for the detection of allergies. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 149(3), 1018-1030.e11. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jaci.2021.08.006

Meinhardt, Anna-Lena; Munkhbaatar, Enkhtsetseg; Höckendorf, Ulrike; Dietzen, Michelle; Dechant, Marta; Anton, Martina; Jacob, Anne; Steiger, Katja; Weichert, Wilko; Brcic, Luka; McGranahan, Nicholas; Branca, Caterina; Kaufmann, Thomas; Dengler, Michael A; Jost, Philipp J (2022). The BCL-2 family member BOK promotes KRAS-driven lung cancer progression in a p53-dependent manner. Oncogene, 41(9), pp. 1376-1382. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41388-021-02161-1


Naim, Samara; Fernández-Marrero, Yuniel; De Brot, Simone; Bachmann, Daniel; Kaufmann, Thomas (2021). Loss of BOK Has a Minor Impact on Acetaminophen Overdose-Induced Liver Damage in Mice. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(6) MDPI 10.3390/ijms22063281

Burgener, Sabrina Sofia; Brügger, Melanie; Leborgne, Nathan Georges François; Sollberger, Sophia; Basilico, Paola; Kaufmann, Thomas; Bird, Phillip Ian; Benarafa, Charaf (2021). Granule Leakage Induces Cell-Intrinsic, Granzyme B-Mediated Apoptosis in Mast Cells. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 9, p. 630166. Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2021.630166


Wehrli, Marc; Schneider, Christoph; Cortinas-Elizondo, Fabiola; Verschoor, Daniëlle; Frias Boligan, Kayluz; Adams, Olivia Joan; Hlushchuk, Ruslan; Engelmann, Christine; Daudel, Fritz; Villiger, Peter M.; Seibold, Frank; Yawalkar, Nikhil; Vonarburg, Cédric; Miescher, Sylvia; Lötscher, Marius; Kaufmann, Thomas; Münz, Christian; Mueller, Christoph; Djonov, Valentin; Simon, Hans-Uwe; ... (2020). IgA Triggers Cell Death of Neutrophils When Primed by Inflammatory Mediators. Journal of immunology, 205(10), pp. 2640-2648. American Association of Immunologists 10.4049/jimmunol.1900883

Naim, Samara; Kaufmann, Thomas (2020). The Multifaceted Roles of the BCLL-2 Family Member BOK. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 8 Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2020.574338

Knop, Janin; Spilgies, Lisanne M; Rufli, Stefanie; Reinhart, Ramona; Vasilikos, Lazaros; Yabal, Monica; Owsley, Erika; Jost, Philipp J; Marsh, Rebecca A; Wajant, Harald; Robinson, Mark D; Kaufmann, Thomas; Wong, W Wei-Lynn (2020). Correction: TNFR2 induced priming of the inflammasome leads to a RIPK1-dependent cell death in the absence of XIAP. Cell death & disease, 11(1), p. 56. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41419-020-2261-2

Rohner, Lionel; Reinhart, Ramona; Iype, Joseena; Bachmann, Sofia; Kaufmann, Thomas; Fux, Michaela (2020). Impact of BH3-mimetics on Human and Mouse Blood Leukocytes: A Comparative Study. Scientific reports, 10(1), p. 222. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-019-57000-x


Knop, Janin; Spilgies, Lisanne M; Rufli, Stefanie; Reinhart, Ramona; Vasilikos, Lazaros; Yabal, Monica; Crowley, Erika; Jost, Philipp J; Marsh, Rebecca A; Wajant, Harald; Robinson, Mark D; Kaufmann, Thomas; Wong, W Wei-Lynn (2019). TNFR2 induced priming of the inflammasome leads to a RIPK1-dependent cell death in the absence of XIAP. Cell death & disease, 10(10), p. 700. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41419-019-1938-x

Srivastava, Rahul; Cao, Zhipeng; Nedeva, Christina; Naim, Samara; Bachmann, Daniel; Rabachini, Tatiana; Gangoda, Lahiru; Shahi, Sanjay; Glab, Jason; Menassa, Joseph; Osellame, Laura; Nelson, Tao; Fernández Marrero, Yuniel; Brown, Fiona; Wei, Andrew; Ke, Francine; O'Reilly, Lorraine; Doerflinger, Marcel; Allison, Cody; Kueh, Andrew; ... (2019). BCL-2 family protein BOK is a positive regulator of uridine metabolism in mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 116(31), pp. 15469-15474. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1904523116


Fernández Marrero, Yuniel; Bachmann, Daniel; Lauber, Emanuel; Kaufmann, Thomas (2018). Negative Regulation of BOK Expression by Recruitment of TRIM28 to Regulatory Elements in Its 3' Untranslated Region. iScience, 9, pp. 461-474. Elsevier 10.1016/j.isci.2018.11.005

Rohner, Lionel; Reinhart, Ramona; Hagmann, Björn; Odermatt, Andrea; Babirye, Annet; Kaufmann, Thomas; Fux, Michaela (2018). FcɛRI cross-linking and IL-3 protect human basophils from intrinsic apoptotic stress. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 142(5), 1647-1650.e3. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.06.040

Reinhart, Ramona; Kaufmann, Thomas (2018). IL-4 enhances survival of in vitro-differentiated mouse basophils through transcription-independent signaling downstream of PI3K. Cell death & disease, 9(7), p. 713. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41419-018-0754-z

Rabachini de Almeida, Tatiana; Fernández Marrero, Yuniel; Montani, Matteo; Loforese, Giulio; Sladky, Valentina; He, Zhaoyue; Bachmann, Daniel; Wicki, Simone; Villunger, Andreas; Keogh-Stroka, Deborah M.; Kaufmann, Thomas (2018). BOK promotes chemical-induced hepatocarcinogenesis in mice. Cell death and differentiation, 25(4), pp. 706-718. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41418-017-0008-0

Galluzzi, Lorenzo; Vitale, Ilio; Aaronson, Stuart A; Abrams, John M; Adam, Dieter; Agostinis, Patrizia; Alnemri, Emad S; Altucci, Lucia; Amelio, Ivano; Andrews, David W; Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli, Margherita; Antonov, Alexey V; Arama, Eli; Baehrecke, Eric H; Barlev, Nickolai A; Bazan, Nicolas G; Bernassola, Francesca; Bertrand, Mathieu J M; Bianchi, Katiuscia; Blagosklonny, Mikhail V; ... (2018). Molecular mechanisms of cell death: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2018. Cell death and differentiation, 25(3), pp. 486-541. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41418-017-0012-4

Wicki, Simone; Gurzeler, Ursina; Corazza, Nadia; Genitsch, Vera; Wong, Wendy Wei-Lynn; Kaufmann, Thomas (2018). Loss of BID Delays FASL-Induced Cell Death of Mouse Neutrophils and Aggravates DSS-Induced Weight Loss. International journal of molecular sciences, 19(3) MDPI 10.3390/ijms19030684

Reinhart, Ramona; Rohner, Lionel; Wicki, Simone; Fux, Michaela; Kaufmann, Thomas (2018). BH3 mimetics efficiently induce apoptosis in mouse basophils and mast cells. Cell death and differentiation, 25(1), pp. 204-216. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/cdd.2017.154


Moravcikova, Erika; Krepela, Evzen; Donnenberg, Vera S; Donnenberg, Albert D; Benkova, Kamila; Rabachini de Almeida, Tatiana; Fernández Marrero, Yuniel; Bachmann, Daniel; Kaufmann, Thomas (2017). BOK displays cell death-independent tumor suppressor activity in non-small cell lung carcinoma. International journal of cancer, 141(10), pp. 2050-2061. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ijc.30906

Schneider, Christoph; Wicki, Simone; Graeter, Stefanie; Maneva Timcheva, Tankica; Keller, Christian W; Quast, Isaak; Leontyev, Danila; Djoumerska-Alexieva, Iglika K; Käsermann, Fabian; Jakob, Stephan; Dimitrova, Petya A; Branch, Donald R; Cummings, Richard D; Lünemann, Jan D; Kaufmann, Thomas; Simon, Hans-Uwe; von Gunten, Stephan (2017). IVIG regulates the survival of human but not mouse neutrophils. Scientific Reports, 7(1), p. 1296. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41598-017-01404-0

Haimovici, Aladin; Humbert, Magali; Federzoni, Elena A; Shan-Krauer, Deborah; Brunner, Thomas; Frese, Steffen; Kaufmann, Thomas; Torbett, Bruce E; Tschan, Mario (2017). PU.1 supports TRAIL-induced cell death by inhibiting NF-κB-mediated cell survival and inducing DR5 expression. Cell death and differentiation, 24(5), pp. 866-877. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/cdd.2017.40

Sharma, Sachin; Kaufmann, Thomas; Biswas, Subhrajit (2017). Impact of inhibitor of apoptosis proteins on immune modulation and inflammation. Immunology and cell biology, 95(3), pp. 236-243. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/icb.2016.101

Fernandez-Marrero, Yuniel; Bleicken, Stephanie; Das, Kushal Kumar; Bachmann, Daniel; Kaufmann, Thomas; Garcia-Saez, Ana J (2017). The membrane activity of BOK involves formation of large, stable toroidal pores and is promoted by cBID. FEBS journal, 284(5), pp. 711-724. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/febs.14008

Hagmann, B R; Odermatt, A; Kaufmann, Thomas; Dahinden, C A; Fux, Michaela (2017). Balance between IL-3 and type Iinterferons and their interrelationship with FasL dictates lifespan and effector functions of human basophils. Clinical and experimental allergy, 47(1), pp. 71-84. Wiley 10.1111/cea.12850


Wicki, Simone; Gurzeler, Ursina; Wei-Lynn Wong, W; Bachmann, Daniel; Kaufmann, Thomas; Jost, Philipp (2016). Loss of XIAP facilitates switch to TNFα-induced necroptosis in mouse neutrophils. Cell death & disease, 7(10), e2422. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/cddis.2016.311

Tuzlak, Selma; Kaufmann, Thomas; Villunger, Andreas (2016). Interrogating the relevance of mitochondrial apoptosis for vertebrate development and postnatal tissue homeostasis. Genes & development, 30(19), pp. 2133-2151. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 10.1101/gad.289298.116

Fernandez Marrero, Yuniel; Spinner, S; Jost, P J; Kaufmann, Thomas (2016). Survival control of malignant lymphocytes by anti-apoptotic MCL-1. Leukemia, 30(11), pp. 2152-2159. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/leu.2016.213

D'Orsi, Beatrice; Engel, Tobias; Pfeiffer, Shona; Nandi, Saheli; Kaufmann, Thomas; Henshall, David C; Prehn, Jochen H M (2016). Bok Is Not Pro-Apoptotic But Suppresses Poly ADP-Ribose Polymerase-Dependent Cell Death Pathways and Protects against Excitotoxic and Seizure-Induced Neuronal Injury. Journal of neuroscience, 36(16), pp. 4564-4578. Society for Neuroscience 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3780-15.2016

Fernandez Marrero, Yuniel; Ke, Francine; Echeverry, Nohemy; Bouillet, Philippe; Bachmann, Daniel; Strasser, Andreas; Kaufmann, Thomas (2016). Is BOK required for apoptosis induced by endoplasmic reticulum stress? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 113(5), E492-E493. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1516347113

Amini, Poorya; Stojkov, Darko; Wang, Xiaoliang; Wicki, Simone; Kaufmann, Thomas; Wong, Wendy Wei-Lynn; Simon, Hans-Uwe; Yousefi, Shida (2016). NET formation can occur independently of RIPK3 and MLKL signaling. European journal of immunology, 46(1), pp. 178-184. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/eji.201545615

Reinhart, Ramona; Wicki, Simone; Kaufmann, Thomas (2016). In Vitro Differentiation of Mouse Granulocytes. Methods in molecular biology, 1419, pp. 95-107. Humana Press 10.1007/978-1-4939-3581-9_8


Yousefi, Shida; Morshed, Md. Mahbubul; Amini, Poorya; Stojkov, Darko; Simon, Dagmar; von Gunten, Stephan; Kaufmann, Thomas; Simon, Hans-Uwe (2015). Basophils exhibit antibacterial activity through extracellular trap formation. Allergy, 70(9), pp. 1184-1188. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/all.12662

Rozman, Sasa; Yousefi, Shida; Oberson, Kevin; Kaufmann, Thomas; Benarafa, Charaf; Simon, Hans-Uwe (2015). The generation of neutrophils in the bone marrow is controlled by autophagy. Cell death and differentiation, 22(3), pp. 445-456. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/cdd.2014.169

Kaufmann, Thomas; Simon, Hans-Uwe (2015). Targeting disease by immunomodulation. Cell death and differentiation, 22(2), pp. 185-186. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/cdd.2014.166

Kaufmann, Thomas; Simon, Hans-Uwe (2015). Essential versus accessory aspects of cell death: recommendations of the NCCD 2015. Cell death and differentiation, 22(1), pp. 58-73. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/cdd.2014.137

Kaufmann, Thomas; Reinhart, Ramona; Wicki, Simone (2015). In vitro differentiation of mouse granulocytes. Programmed Cell Death: Methods and Protocols (In Press). In: Puthalakath, Hamsa; Hawkins, Christine (eds.) Programmed Cell Death: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology. Humana Press


Andree, Maria; Seeger, Jens M.; Schüll, Stephan; Coutelle, Oliver; Wagner-Stippich, Diana; Wiegmann, Katja; Wunderlich, Claudia M.; Birkmann, Kerstin; Broxtermann, Pia; Witt, Axel; Fritsch, Melanie; Martinelli, Paola; Bielig, Harald; Lamkemeyer, Tobias; Rugarli, Elena I.; Kaufmann, Thomas; Sterner-Kock, Anja; Wunderlich, F. Thomas; Villunger, Andreas; Martins, L. Miguel; ... (2014). BID-dependent release of mitochondrial SMAC dampens XIAP-mediated immunity against Shigella. EMBO journal, 33(19), pp. 2171-2187. Nature Publishing Group 10.15252/embj.201387244

Morshed, Md. Mahbubul; Hlushchuk, Ruslan; Simon, Dagmar; Walls, Andrew F.; Obata-Ninomiya, Kazushige; Karasuyama, Hajime; Djonov, Valentin; Eggel, Alexander; Kaufmann, Thomas; Simon, Hans-Uwe; Yousefi, Shida (2014). NADPH oxidase-independent formation of extracellular DNA traps by basophils. Journal of immunology, 192(11), pp. 5314-5323. American Association of Immunologists 10.4049/jimmunol.1303418

Humbert, Magali; Federzoni, Elena; Britschgi, Adrian; Schläfli, Anna; Valk, PJ; Kaufmann, Thomas; Haferlach, T.; Behre, G.; Simon, Hans-Uwe; Torbett, BE; Fey, Martin; Tschan, Mario (2014). The tumor suppressor gene DAPK2 is induced by the myeloid transcription factors PU.1 and C/EBPα during granulocytic differentiation but repressed by PML-RARα in APL. Journal of leukocyte biology, 95(1), pp. 83-93. Society for Leukocyte Biology 10.1189/jlb.1112608

Weber, Benjamin; Schuster, Steffen; Zysset, Daniel; Rihs, Silvia; Dickgreber, Nina; Schürch, Christian; Riether, Carsten; Siegrist, Mark; Schneider, Christoph; Pawelski, Helga; Gurzeler, Ursina; Ziltener, Pascal; Genitsch, Vera; Tacchini-Cottier, Fabienne; Ochsenbein, Adrian; Hofstetter, Willy; Kopf, Manfred; Kaufmann, Thomas; Oxenius, Annette; Reith, Walter; ... (2014). TREM-1 deficiency can attenuate disease severity without affecting pathogen clearance. PLoS pathogens, 10(1), e1003900. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003900

Yabal, Monica; Müller, Nicole; Adler, Heiko; Knies, Nathalie; Gross, Christina J.; Damgaard, Rune Busk; Kanegane, Hirokazu; Ringelhan, Marc; Kaufmann, Thomas; Heikenwächter, Mathias; Strasser, Andreas; Gross, Olaf; Ruland, Jürgen; Peschel, Christian; Gyrd-Hansen, Mads; Jost, Philipp J. (2014). XIAP Restricts TNF- and RIP3-Dependent Cell Death and Inflammasome Activation. Cell reports, 7(6), pp. 1795-1808. Cell Press 10.1016/j.celrep.2014.05.008


Herold, Marco J.; Rohrbeck, Leona; Lang, Mathias J.; Grumont, Raelene; Gerondakis, Steve; Tai, Lin; Bouillet, Philippe; Kaufmann, Thomas; Strasser, Andreas (2013). Foxo-mediated Bim transcription is dispensable for the apoptosis of hematopoietic cells that is mediated by this BH3-only protein. EMBO REPORTS, 14(11), pp. 992-998. Nature 10.1038/embor.2013.152

Schulman, Jacqualyn J; Wright, Fiorrest A; Kaufmann, Thomas; Wojcikiewicz, Richard J H (2013). The Bcl-2 Protein Family Member Bok Binds to the Coupling Domain of Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate Receptors and Protects Them from Proteolytic Cleavage. Journal of biological chemistry, 288(35), pp. 25340-25349. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 10.1074/jbc.M113.496570

Ke, Francine; Kaufmann, Thomas; Bouillet, Philippe; Strasser, Andreas; Kerr, Jeffrey; Voss, Anne K (2013). Consequences of the combined loss of BOK and BAK or BOK and BAX. Cell death & disease, 4(6), e650. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/cddis.2013.176

Echeverry, Nohemy; Bachmann, Daniel; Ke, Francine; Strasser, Andreas; Simon, Hans-Uwe; Kaufmann, Thomas (2013). Intracellular localization of the BCL-2 family member BOK and functional implications. Cell death and differentiation, 20(6), pp. 785-799. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/cdd.2013.10

Gurzeler, Ursina; Rabachini de Almeida, Tatiana; Dahinden, Clemens A.; Salmanidis, Marika; Brumati, Gabriela; Ekert, Paul G.; Echeverry, Nohemy; Bachmann, Daniel; Simon, Hans-Uwe; Kaufmann, Thomas (2013). In vitro differentiation of near-unlimited numbers of functional mouse basophils using conditional Hoxb8. Allergy, 5(68), pp. 604-613. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/all.12140


Kaufmann, Thomas; Strasser, Andreas; Jost, Philipp J (2012). Fas death receptor signalling: roles of Bid and XIAP. Cell death and differentiation, 19(1), pp. 42-50. Basingstoke: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/cdd.2011.121

Badmann, Anastasia; Langsch, Stephanie; Keogh, Adrian; Brunner, Thomas; Kaufmann, Thomas; Corazza, Nadia (2012). TRAIL enhances paracetamol-induced liver sinusoidal endothelial cell death in a Bim- and Bid-dependent manner. Cell death & disease, 3(12), e447. London: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/cddis.2012.185

Corazza, Nadia; Kaufmann, Thomas (2012). Novel insights into mechanisms of food allergy and allergic airway inflammation using experimental mouse models. Allergy, 67(12), pp. 1483-90. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/all.12065

Damgaard, Rune Busk; Nachbur, Ueli; Yabal, Monica; Wong, Wendy Wei-Lynn; Fiil, Berthe Katrine; Kastirr, Mischa; Rieser, Eva; Rickard, James Arthur; Bankovacki, Aleksandra; Peschel, Christian; Ruland, Juergen; Bekker-Jensen, Simon; Mailand, Niels; Kaufmann, Thomas; Strasser, Andreas; Walczak, Henning; Silke, John; Jost, Philipp J; Gyrd-Hansen, Mads (2012). The ubiquitin ligase XIAP recruits LUBAC for NOD2 signaling in inflammation and innate immunity. Molecular cell, 46(6), pp. 746-58. Cambridge, Mass.: Cell Press 10.1016/j.molce1.2012.04.014

Ke, Francine; Voss, Anne; Kerr, Jeffrey; O'Reilly, Lorraine; Tai, Lin; Echeverry, Nohemy; Bouillet, Philippe; Strasser, Andreas; Kaufmann, Thomas (2012). BCL-2 family member BOK is widely expressed but its loss has only minimal impact in mice. Cell death and differentiation, 19(6), pp. 915-25. Basingstoke: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/cdd.2011.210

von Gunten, Stephan; Kaufmann, Thomas (2012). Glucocorticoids 'on air'. Allergy, 67(2), pp. 144-6. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2011.02778.x


Badmann, A.; Keough, A.; Kaufmann, T.; Bouillet, P.; Brunner, T.; Corazza, N. (2011). Role of TRAIL and the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 homolog Bim in acetaminophen-induced liver damage. Cell death & disease, 2(6), e171. London: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/cddis.2011.55

Geering, Barbara; Gurzeler, Ursina; Federzoni, Elena; Kaufmann, Thomas; Simon, Hans-Uwe (2011). A novel TNFR1-triggered apoptosis pathway mediated by class IA PI3Ks in neutrophils. Blood, 117(22), pp. 5953-5962. Washington, D.C.: American Society of Hematology 10.1182/blood-2010-11-322206


Jost, Philipp J; Kaufmann, Thomas (2010). Cancer caused by too much apoptosis--an intriguing contradiction? Hepatology, 51(4), pp. 1110-1112. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley Interscience 10.1002/hep.23314


Jost, Philipp J; Grabow, Stephanie; Gray, Daniel; McKenzie, Mark D; Nachbur, Ueli; Huang, David C S; Bouillet, Philippe; Thomas, Helen E; Borner, Christoph; Silke, John; Strasser, Andreas; Kaufmann, Thomas (2009). XIAP discriminates between type I and type II FAS-induced apoptosis. Nature, 460(7258), pp. 1035-1039. London: Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/nature08229

Bianchi, K; Jost, P J; Kaufmann, T; Rutkowski, R (2009). International EMBO Workshop on 'Model Organisms in Cell Death Research', Obergurgl (Austria). Cell death and differentiation, 16(8), pp. 1180-3. Basingstoke: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/cdd.2009.60

O'Reilly, Lorraine A; Kruse, Elizabeth A; Puthalakath, Hamsa; Kelly, Priscilla N; Kaufmann, Thomas; Huang, David C S; Strasser, Andreas (2009). MEK/ERK-mediated phosphorylation of Bim is required to ensure survival of T and B lymphocytes during mitogenic stimulation. Journal of immunology, 183(1), pp. 261-9. Bethesda, Md.: American Association of Immunologists 10.4049/jimmunol.0803853

Kaufmann, Thomas; Jost, Philipp J; Pellegrini, Marc; Puthalakath, Hamsa; Gugasyan, Raffi; Gerondakis, Steve; Cretney, Erika; Smyth, Mark J; Silke, John; Hakem, Razq; Bouillet, Philippe; Mak, Tak W; Dixit, Vishva M; Strasser, Andreas (2009). Fatal hepatitis mediated by tumor necrosis factor TNFalpha requires caspase-8 and involves the BH3-only proteins Bid and Bim. Immunity, 30(1), pp. 56-66. Cambridge, Mass.: Cell Press 10.1016/j.immuni.2008.10.017

Jabbour, A M; Heraud, J E; Daunt, C P; Kaufmann, T; Sandow, J; O'Reilly, L A; Callus, B A; Lopez, A; Strasser, A; Vaux, D L; Ekert, P G (2009). Puma indirectly activates Bax to cause apoptosis in the absence of Bid or Bim. Cell death and differentiation, 16(4), pp. 555-63. Basingstoke: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/cdd.2008.179


Walter, Dorothée; Schmich, Kathrin; Vogel, Sandra; Pick, Robert; Kaufmann, Thomas; Hochmuth, Florian Christoph; Haber, Angelika; Neubert, Karin; McNelly, Sabine; von Weizsäcker, Fritz; Merfort, Irmgard; Maurer, Ulrich; Strasser, Andreas; Borner, Christoph (2008). Switch from type II to I Fas/CD95 death signaling on in vitro culturing of primary hepatocytes. Hepatology, 48(6), pp. 1942-53. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley Interscience 10.1002/hep.22541

McKenzie, Mark D; Carrington, Emma M; Kaufmann, Thomas; Strasser, Andreas; Huang, David C S; Kay, Thomas W H; Allison, Janette; Thomas, Helen E (2008). Proapoptotic BH3-only protein Bid is essential for death receptor-induced apoptosis of pancreatic beta-cells. Diabetes, 57(5), pp. 1284-92. Alexandria, Va.: American Diabetes Association 10.2337/db07-1692