Institute of Pharmacology

Summer School
International Summer School

International Summer School

Wednesday, 2024/08/21 - Friday, 2024/08/23

Summer School

Event organizer: Institute of Pharmacology, University of Bern
Date: 2024/08/21 - 2024/08/23
Time: 13:00 Time
Locality: Seminar room
Seestrasse 22
3806 Bönigen
Characteristics: not open to the public

Preliminary program

Wednesday, August 21

Arrival by private cars or train/bus

14.00 General Information (Georgia Konstantinidou, Thomas Kaufmann)

14.10 Maciej Garczyk (PKI;Konstantinidou-lab)

14.30 Simone Falco (PKI;Konstantinidou-lab)

14.50 Carole Bourquin (UNIGE)

15.10 Darko Stojkov (PKI;Simon-lab)

15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break

16.00 Giovanni Ciriello (UNIL)

16.40  TBA

17.00 – 19.00 Swim break

19.00 – 20.30 Dinner

Thursday, August 22

08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast

09.00  Jessica D’Agostino (PKI; von Gunten-lab)

09.20  Darien Toledo (PKI; von Gunten-lab)

09.40  Evangelia Lekka (Laboratory medicine, Largiadèr)

10.00 – 10.30 Coffee Break

10.30  Ali Jazaeri (PKI;Kaufmann-lab)

10.50  Liyang Wu (PKI;Kaufmann-lab)

11.10  Tata Nageswara Rao (Kantonsspital St.Gallen)

11.30  Vera Van der Velpen (Klinische Pharmakologie)

12.00  Trip information (Thomas Kaufmann)

12.10  Picture taking

12:15 Picking up Sandwich lunch

(near the reception in the hotel lobby)

13.00 – 18.00 Trip / Free time

18.15 – 19.00 Dr. Bogdan Mateescu (UZH)

19.00 – 20.30 Dinner

21.00 – 22.30 Poster Session (Chair: Thomas Kaufmann)

Philippe JeanRichard (PKI; Kaufmann-lab)

Aparna Ananthanarayan (PKI; Kaufmann-lab)

Simon Isfort (Laboratory medicine, Masoodi-lab)

Katrine Holm (PKI; Konstantinidou-lab)..

Alisa Ambrodji (Laboratory medicine, Largiadèr-lab)

Friday, August 23

08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast

09.00  Ursula Amstutz (Laboratory Medicine)

09.20  Alexander Leichtle (Laboratory Medicine)          

09.40  Michaela Medova (DBMR)

10.00 – 10.30 Coffee Break

10.30  Robert Hoepner (DBMR/Inselspital Bern)

10.50  Mojgan Masoodi (Laboratory medicine)

11.10  Flora Bahrami (Laboratory medicine, Masoodi-lab)

11.30 Evaluation (Kaufmann, Konstantinidou)

12.15 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 Departure

To access the registration form, please click on the image below or scan the QR code! Registration deadline 12.July 2024

Please note: The submitted registration form is not a guarantee for participation in the International Summer School. Only our e-mail confirmation, as well as the request for an abstract, definitely validates your participation.

Event Venue:

Seeehotel Bönigen,  Seestrasse 22, 3806 Bönigen


Seehotel Bönigen

PD Dr. Georgia Konstantinidou

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kaufamann

Institute of Pharmacology

Graduate School

Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences (GCB) 1.0 ETCS

Sponsoring and Co-operation:

Zentrum für Labormedizin, Inselspital, Bern


Institute of Pharmcology, University of Bern
Inselspital, INO-F, CH-3010 Bern, Schweiz
Phone: +41-31-632-8877